I recently received more lovely yarn, felt balls and sequins from the online store Rito.se. This time, I chose to redo my fancy flower pincushion in brighter and happier color, mostly because I am longing for spring and summer. I’ve even taken the time to write down the pattern too! 🙂 See below for a link to the pattern.

I got a whole bunch of yarn in lovely colors, which of course made it hard to pick from. My first thought was to use all of them (of course). Imaging how lovely it would be with a pincushion with all colors. Finally, I went for green, yellow and pink. Picking colors for the felt balls was equally challenging… toke some time… hi hi

I tried to stay close to my original design, but some things needed to be improved and simplified. The felt balls in the center remained as before, but I made some improvements to the base plate. The end result is simpler and more practical as well.

There are some improvements to the smaller flowers surrounding the center, which I was quite pleased with. There are not as many sequins as before, but will add more once I am done with the pattern as well.
Have a great day!